Preserving Bonds

a Hong Kong-based contextual design studio

Bobo Choy Po Yin


A contextual creator, editor and cultural producer.

She is the founder and the operator of Kong Temporary Archive (2023-), a Hong Kong community-based publication library and one of the lab mates of HASS Lab, a HK cross-discipline art collectives. She is also the editor of a community publication “Ten Cent Paper Zine” (2024-) under  “RE: Tai Kok Tsui” project, organised by Hong Kong Arts Centre.

She has also started working as a curator in the community project “Full Moon Reunion A Pilgrimage to Nature” program (2021) at Wan Chai, and help curating and designing “Calligraphy+” Creative Experiences Showcase (2024) and “Everybody Studio by MIKI HO” exhibition (2023) .

She wrote and published  documentary books “For Our Future City : Ideas and Cases for the Sustainable Developed Hong Kong” (2022) and "Salt to the Sea: The Interviews of the Hong Kong Post-90 Generation" (2019). She created  "Billows vs. Waves" video exhibition (2019) and a living experiment "Staying Home Vocation" (2020) as further extension of the book "Salt to the Sea”,  and also created community experience tours at Kam Tin, Yuen Long, and Wan Chai as the extension of the book “For Our Future City“  in 2022.

Being worked as a HK local art and culture journalist for years in both online and offline media companies, she has been focusing on different communities of Hong Kong for years through field researches, on-site interviews and reporting, so to develop and create several different forms of writing and publication, including student booklets of Jockey Club New Arts Power (2018-2019),  "Chung Ying Educational Press 2017/18” from Chung Ying Theatre Company (2018),  a walking journey at North North District (2021) , published by The Hongkong Federation of Youth Groups . She was also the content creator of "A Story of Wandering" (2020), "A Window into Tsuen Wan: Stephanie Teng Photo Exhibition" (2020) and "Nice to Meet You Kapok" (2021), “Playing Woodstock: Hong Kong Woodwork” (2021) organised by The Mills. She was the reporter and editor of a North Point tabloid which is under a community-based art campaign "Via North Point" (2020-2021) organised by Hong Kong Arts Centre.

She also created community tours in Sham Shui Po, Tsuen Wan and Wan Chai, and hosted community creation writing workshops.

Founded humane archive art and cultural studio in 2021.  

自由文本創作者、編輯及文化製作人,前藝文及社區文化記者;香港地區出版圖書館「臨時庫存」創辦人、經營者(2023-),及跨界藝術組織HASS Lab成員(2022-)。現時擔任香港藝術中心在大角咀社區項目「轉角:」旗下社區報《壹毫紙》編輯。

曾籌組社區項目,擔任「社區游動花園」客席策展人,策劃「月滿團圓:與自然有約」(2021)社區項目;協助策劃及設計「MIKI HO 人人畫社」展覽(2023)及「書法+」多元創作體驗展(2024)

著有《香城再造——民間可持續發展實踐紀錄》(2022)、《海浪裏的鹽——香港九十後世代訪談故事》(2019)。出版《香城再造》後,延伸策劃導賞活動「從內到外再到返外嘅尋根體驗團」@錦田及「一夜輪迴」體驗團@窗後巷;出版《海浪裏的鹽》後,延伸策劃「驚濤 vs. 駭浪」影像創作及展覽(2019)及「沒有離家出走」體驗活動(2020)。曾任職本港傳統報章及網媒的藝文及社區文化記者,及社區網媒「一小步」及香港藝術中心「文化按摩師」記者,涉獵範圍包括香港中學通識科、本地藝術及文化、社區營造及媒體項目。

多年來深入香港不同社區及社群,以採訪及實地考察為本,延伸不同類型的文字創作、出版刊物及策劃針對公眾的藝術展展,包括:編寫「賽馬會藝壇新勢力」學生導賞手冊(2018-2019)、中英劇團「戲味非凡:中英教育報 2017/18」 ;參與南豐紗廠主辦的社區藝術項目文字創作部份,包括「慢一天流浪團」(2020)、「遇上荃灣」鄧詩廷攝影展(2020)、「幸會木棉」(2021)、「不是玩玩下: 香港木工展」(2021);出任「路過北角」社區藝術計劃 《北角有誌》區報記者及編輯。

另,有出任社區導賞員策劃導賞內容,曾參與「賽馬會社區持續抗逆基金 ─ 『未來的我們』文化歷史探索計劃」的深水埗導賞環節;籌組及開設「城市紀錄員文字紀䤸工作坊」@窗後巷、「記錄就在我們身邊的時代 ── 口述故事紀錄工作坊」@青春工藝。

創立 humance archive 藝術及文化工作室,協助出版《帶個腦返學:藝術與生活的學習之旅》(2022)
